
Wife Mum Daughter Sister Grand-daughter Cousin Friend. This is my blog, about our family life.Just general day to day hilarious things that happen in our home.A way to stay in touch with family that don't live round the corner,so they can see whats going on with the kids,And a way i can kinda keep a memoir for our boys to see when there older..Hope you like it...Don't read it if you don't.

Tuesday 1 November 2011

Ten on Tuesday.

Super quick Ten on Tuesday...

1.My OH hasn't taken a day off work (other than his 1 day a week) since Christmas.Fact. So we had a mini break! Obv with the kids so not so much of the break more of parenting in a different location. My dad has a caravan in the grounds of Castle Howard near York.Its absolutely Beaut.When i say caravan what i mean is mobile home type thing with lush kitchen and enormous decking/balcony type thing.Anyway it was so good to get away into the countryside.The air feels fresher doesn't it?

2.We've been having porridge for breakfast and Mr 3 insists of having hundreds and thousands with it.Call me a bad mum but it keeps him quiet and he finishes it all!

3.We bought some Sparklers the other day and thought it would be a bit of a treat for Mr 3 but he was petrified of them! Bless him.If you think about it we were asking him to hold something with fire on the end of it,wave it about and write his name with it(!??).Poor Lad.

4.Mr 3 calls Sparklers, sprinklers instead.

5.He also calls pumpkins,poinkins. Both too cute to correct.

6.I should know from experience that the times where Mr 3 is telling me something over and over and over that i need to listen to him.All mums will surely relate to your child going on and on and on and you just going- yeah,OK love,just a second,wont be a minute.Well i bought some beautiful Lillie's in York on Saturday and while travelling back home on Sat i didn't want to crush them in the boot  with the buggy etc so i sort of stood them up in between the kids car seats in the back.So 30 Min's into the journey Mr 3 was going on and on and on about something and it took me a little bit to get that he was saying "mummy,why wont these flowers open?"!!! he was trying to prize the flowers open with his little hands.Not ideal.

7.You would think i would learn from the above but no.This morning i may have been on facebook when he was saying something.What he actually was saying was "mummy,George is nibbling my toes"and he was.That will teach me.

8.We asked Mr 3 if he would like another brother or maybe a sister yesterday(i would like to take this opportunity to say i am not pregnant.NOT.No way Jose.i repeat not pregnant.Anyone who knows me knows i am sick as a dog for 9 whole months of pregnancy and I'm not willing to put my OH through all that again just yet, Maybe in a couple of years.Maybe).And he replied that he wanted a sister as he already had a brother,but he wanted a boy sister.Not a girl one.

9.Mr 3 said in the car the other day "mum!! Ive just seen some sheep!" I thought this was unusual on Keighley Road.Then  he went "oh no,it was just some couches"Lol.

10.Last week i was asked twice in 1 day when i was due.Within the space of 30 minutes.Mental note to self-never wear that dress again.


  1. lovely lovely. made me think twice about the sparklers thing for saturday :)
