
Wife Mum Daughter Sister Grand-daughter Cousin Friend. This is my blog, about our family life.Just general day to day hilarious things that happen in our home.A way to stay in touch with family that don't live round the corner,so they can see whats going on with the kids,And a way i can kinda keep a memoir for our boys to see when there older..Hope you like it...Don't read it if you don't.

Tuesday 29 November 2011

Ten on Tuesday.

1.Me and the OH are actually addicted to I'm a celebrity.We haven't missed a show yet (due to sky+ were not that sad).I'm sure after the final i will go into a sort of grieving period for a day.Love it.

2.I'm not sure who's boobs are bigger Jessica J's or Willie Carsons. Quoted from my OH last night.

3.While we're on the boob issue,how do the girls who are on IAC actually stand up?They are so so tiny and have the most humongous boobs! They look like they should be doubled over.Seriously girls.

4.On Friday i sent Mr 3 to school in his uniform.On non uniform day.The shame of it.Poor lad.Thank goodness he's only 3.Thankfully he didn't seem to notice too much.

5.Last weekend my OH's dad and step mum came to stay,Mr 3 was so excited.And so was i.My (step) mother in law is like my life coach.She's a pretty remarkable woman and i would like to be her when i grow up.Thankyou.Please.

6.My OH's family have this tradition where they watch a film called Bernard and the genie every Christmas.Unfortunately i missed the annual viewing on Saturday as i was in costa. Genuinely gutted..

7.On Friday when i went to pick up Mr 3 from school, his teacher presented me with a large gift bag.Inside it contained something very precious..A travelling crib.12 pieces.Complete with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. We had to unpack it,light a candle,sing a little song and think about the true meaning of Christmas.It was really cute.And i think necessary in this day and age.The song wasn't so cute as the enclosed cd wasn't actually enclosed so we sort of ad libbed and that was interesting.Then the next morning we packed it up and took it back to nursery to go to someone else's house for the next night. Here's a photo with an illuminous snowman too.

8.I have a full set of grandparents.A grandma and a grandad. Who i now live round the corner from. My grandma is a baker and a knitter and my grandad is a maker of fantastic bacon sandwiches and he tells the best stories,he knows everything..When i was younger I'd ring him with all sorts of random homework questions.I think the world of them. And they do me. I consider myself extremely lucky to have them.

9.I had a knitting lesson today off my grandma,so far its going well!

10.When Mr 3 was really sleepy last night i said to him "i really really love you" to which he replied "Good".

I first heard about 10 on Tuesday from Sarah at Partyof seven..Check her out for an hilarious read..


  1. ah yes something very very special about grandparents :) Your boys are very lucky too!

  2. Lucy, glad I have a IAC blogging friend, two great minds :)
    Looking forward to pictures of your first knitting creations !!

  3. RE: ."...i would like to be her when i grow up" what a lovely thing to say...I'm flattered, honoured and of course delighted thank you so much! Still, individuation, I think, is the key...i.e. be you!

    RE 6: "...Genuinely gutted..." Really? (ha ha) Me...disappointed !!!!!

    Lovely blog Lucy. Especially happy to hear about knitting progressing! x
