
Wife Mum Daughter Sister Grand-daughter Cousin Friend. This is my blog, about our family life.Just general day to day hilarious things that happen in our home.A way to stay in touch with family that don't live round the corner,so they can see whats going on with the kids,And a way i can kinda keep a memoir for our boys to see when there older..Hope you like it...Don't read it if you don't.

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Ten on Tuesday.

1. Sometimes i would like Driver Dan to drive off a cliff.

2.There has been a little (much awaited in our house) snow these past couple of days,how cute is this photo of my 2 watching it today.It is snowing i promise!

3. However I am not enjoying the practically Arctic temperatures that go with the snow.

4. Me and the kids were in the doctors the other day,And as we sat in the waiting area a man came to sit down too.To which Mr 3 exclaimed (REALLY loudly) 'Mom.I don't want that man to sit next to me'.The man took the hint and sat far far away from us.

5.As i went to pick up Mr 3 from Sunday school this week,his teacher mentioned to me that when they'd been playing sleeping lions he'd fallen asleep.Bless him.Who wouldn't tho? Opportunity to have a cheeky nap.Taken.

6.Mr 3 is not keen on girls.I'm hoping this has to do with his age.. I heard him say the other day to his dad that when he gets married he wants to marry George.My OH said he couldn't really marry his brother.But Mr 3 said he'd have to as he really didn't want anything to do with a girl!

7.On Sunday Mr 3 is a king in our church nativity.Not just any king but the CHIEF king.Who brings gold to Jesus! He is soo proud of this,Tells everyone he's the CHIEF King.

8.On Tuesday in his school nativity he is a.. wait for it.. Bird!Oh How the mighty have fallen.

9.When Mr 1 and me go and do the food shop,he loves going in the trolley. This is his favourite position...

I'm not going to lie, ladies of a certain age seem to find it distressing.However he's not doing this because he's stuck and cant get up,He actually likes it.So ladies..Deal with it.

10. I'll leave you with this picture of cuteness..

If you enjoyed my Ten on Tuesday pop across and check out these ladies' 10

