
Wife Mum Daughter Sister Grand-daughter Cousin Friend. This is my blog, about our family life.Just general day to day hilarious things that happen in our home.A way to stay in touch with family that don't live round the corner,so they can see whats going on with the kids,And a way i can kinda keep a memoir for our boys to see when there older..Hope you like it...Don't read it if you don't.

Wednesday 2 November 2011

1st Birthday..

Today is my baby's birthday. 365 days old. 52 weeks old. A whole year old.

A good friend once said to me that when a baby has his first birthday the parents deserve a medal.For surviving a whole year looking after a baby. Ive got to say i agree. What a year we've had.Serious roller coaster.

Ive got to say what a gorgeous little boy he is.Cute as can be.Smiles at everyone.Waves at everyone.Especially in supermarkets.His laugh is infectious.I love how he loves his big brother,follows him around constantly,Always trying to interact with him. Also i love his feisty side, stubborn already.If he doesn't like it he'll let you know.If you take a toy off him he'll smack you in the face(we're working on this one).I also love how he looks like his Dad.Same dimples.Same chin bum.Same gorgeousness.

We were trying for another baby for 10 months before he came along.I look back now and its perfect timing.While i was pregnant i bled twice.Scared the shit out of me both times.First time i was 7 weeks, Me and Mr 3 were feeding the ducks at Shibden. 60 miles from home but thankfully in my home town.OH was about 300 miles away at the other end of the country.Turned up at my Grandmas.Mortified.She looked after me,feeding me very sweet tea and gossiping like mad to try and keep my mind of it.Until my brother turned up and drove us home.Love him.went to hosp,had a scan and there was that precious heart beat.Beating like mad.Beautiful. 2nd time  at 10 weeks. I thought that was it.I didn't think we'd get a second way.Again off to the women's.I remember lying on the bed praying they'd be some sort of explanation.That they'd be a reason that I'd bled twice.There was.I had an Ectropion or cervical erosion. Its hard to explain but totally harmless. Relieved is not the word.Again baby was fine.

I don't exactly bloom in pregnancy.I wish i did but i don't.I puke.Alot.All the way through.And the birth is another story..
And then you were here.And the rest is history.I wanted to share some of my favourite pics of the little man on his birthday..