
Wife Mum Daughter Sister Grand-daughter Cousin Friend. This is my blog, about our family life.Just general day to day hilarious things that happen in our home.A way to stay in touch with family that don't live round the corner,so they can see whats going on with the kids,And a way i can kinda keep a memoir for our boys to see when there older..Hope you like it...Don't read it if you don't.

Tuesday 22 November 2011

Ten on Tuesday.

Ten on Tuesday.. 

1.My 3 year old is currently doing my head in.I mean i love him, of course i do.I adore him.But some days he actually drives me insane. Give me a naughty child over a whingey one any day.Please tell me I'm not alone! Anyway mustn't dwell on Mr 3's naughtiness any more as his grannie/grandma will read this and you know how granparents view their grandchildren.Butter wouldn't melt and all that..

2.Never let a 3 year old put a stock cube in your beef bourguignon.Ever.Ever ever.From my experience even tho you try and teach them to crumble it in,it literally ends up ALL over the kitchen.Mental note-even tho he's badgering you to do it,its easier to put up with a tantrum than be cleaning beef oxo cubes off the kitchen floor.

3.Power cut in Morrison's today. Everyone got ushered out.It was very exciting for us(Me,Mr 1 and Mr 3) and the rest of the pensioners there.All the lights went off and everything.Very exciting.

4.We got a new (to us) couch yesterday.Its well nice,very Laura Ashley.Bargain price of £60!Bit of bartering,delivered same day.Made up.

5.At the same place that we picked up our bargainous couch we got a nest of glass topped tables(not sure if that's the technical term.Lol) for £8.Yes £8.Ive been looking for a little nest of tables for a while and not seen any for less that £45.And that was at 'The Range'. Shocking, I know.So i cleaned the tables up,washed the glass,bobbed down to B&Q, chose a few wallpaper 'samples',chopped up the 'samples',stuck on top of tables,Added Glass to top of table and Bobs your uncle and Fannys your Aunt.They look Boss!

6.Because of the afor mentioned tables,I'm finding it hard not to get too carried away thinking i have an amazing creative side which Ive not discovered till now and just take baby steps in my new creative journey!

7.What is it about M&S that make your kids wanna make a HUGE scene.Now i hate to make a scene.Hate it.Especially when its a quiet place,with snotty people and a toddler.Hate it. Its making me cringe now thinking of it.I popped into our local store last week to pick up a Christmas food order booklet(we are having Christmas at ours this year(!) for 10..) and it was a total mare. The Quinny was playing up,The 3 year old was playing up,and The baby was playing up.Not good. I'm just a mum,I'm not trained in spooks style negotiation skills which are needed to prize Mr 3 from the toy section. It was a total nightmare.

8.Me and my OH are really into the west wing atm. Were on season 3 so far .Love it. However there is one thing that really worries me about it. Sometimes it gets really emotional.There's some big things going on in that west wing i can tell you.And i don't understand why at the end of an episode when someone has had a particularly bad day no one gives them a hug.No one. Not one person.Times when someone is in tears and they just need a hug. I'm not going to lie, it does distress me slightly. Its times like these that i realise i may have a little too much emotion going on..

9. We had plans tonight but they've just been cancelled.Huzzah! I'm not a fan of going out of an evening,once the kids are in bed and its dark outside,unless its something really exciting I'm rather reluctant to venture out.

10.My in laws are coming to stay this weekend and Mr 3 is beside himself with excitement,we all are tbh but him especially.We love them alot and they live 4 hours away so we cant wait to see them.Mr 3 keeps asking me questions about it such as ' how many sleeps till they get here?' and 'are they sleeping?' Bring on the weekend!


  1. This is a very funny Blog!! Oh so surprise surprise these children are not perfect! (LOL)

    Oh blimey Lucy your writing took me back to when "my kids" were little...on reflection it is much easier to stay in until they leave home..!!...
    Not long now...x

  2. Thanks Donna! not long at all ... x

  3. ahhh the west it.
