
Wife Mum Daughter Sister Grand-daughter Cousin Friend. This is my blog, about our family life.Just general day to day hilarious things that happen in our home.A way to stay in touch with family that don't live round the corner,so they can see whats going on with the kids,And a way i can kinda keep a memoir for our boys to see when there older..Hope you like it...Don't read it if you don't.

Monday 14 November 2011

This week baby i promise....

This week baby i promise..

To let you get down from your high chair and finish the rest of your food that you threw down for this very purpose.
               Somehow your food seems to taste better on the floor..

This week baby i promise is the brain child of


  1. Can definitely relate to this one. W chucks EVERYTHIING over the edge! Apologies for duff linky list earlier. Think all fixed now. Thanks for joining in :)

  2. Dear George,

    My goodness me you are a clever boy, highchairs they are soooooooo overrated...just the social control of what it means to be human...I am delighted that you and your mum are aware of this George - there is hope! And thank goodness for tiled floors!


  3. Thanks Ladies.You can so tell George is a second child. 10 second rule at the ready :)
