
Wife Mum Daughter Sister Grand-daughter Cousin Friend. This is my blog, about our family life.Just general day to day hilarious things that happen in our home.A way to stay in touch with family that don't live round the corner,so they can see whats going on with the kids,And a way i can kinda keep a memoir for our boys to see when there older..Hope you like it...Don't read it if you don't.

Tuesday 18 October 2011

"Broncy season"

The beginning of 2011 was a tough one for us for various reasons.One of which was both our boys were admitted to Alder hay within a week of each other. Firstly there was Mr 3,on his third birthday to be precise.We're still not quite sure what happened but while we were watching Home Alone and eating party food he went really pale and his little tummy was working really hard to breathe, so off to the walk in center we trot.Only to be sent straight to Alder hay when they'd done his obs,during which he was freaking out so much he peed all down my leg as he sat on my knee(i then had to wear the same jeans for the next 24 hours until we were discharged.Nice) It turns out he had a sort of Asthma attack,bless him.

So we finally arrived on the ward at 3am and he screamed and screamed and screamed and screamed for his daddy and that he wanted to go home.At this point i was crying too for his daddy but a bit more consideratly.

So you can imagine how welcoming the other parents on the ward were to us.I don't blame them.I would be fuming too if it were me woken up at that time to a child who sounded like he was bordering on possessed.Anyway we were sent home with more steroids and he was fine.

His 8 week old brother however wasn't. Over the next few days he developed a really weird cough.Really high pitched. We took him to the doctor various times and were told it was just a virus.
But the coughing continued and he literally stopped eating.

So another trip to the walk in,to be sent straight to Alder hay(which is a bloody fantastic hospital,the nurses are second to none).He was admitted,had a tube put up his nose and into his tummy so he could have some food and oxygen and nebulisers to help him breathe.He wasn't eating because he was working so hard to breathe he couldn't do both : ( don't get me wrong i know it was only Broncillitus but those 6 days we were there was horrible, seeing my little one all hooked up is something no mum wants to see. We basically had to ride it out,as he needed help with eating and breathing until the bronc had passed. And ride it out we did! 
The little mite has had bronc 3 times since but not half as bad. So I'm not exactly looking forward to this winter  and "broncy season"but hes going for a flue jab soon so hopefully that will help : )

I never intended to blog about this today i just wanted to share a photo,its too precious to put on face book but somehow it feels ok on here. Its one of my favourite photos of all time and 2 of my favourite people are in it.My baby and my baby sister. Her help was invaluable that hellish week,she looked after Mr 3 all morning while my OH came to the hospital and she would come and sit with me and the little one all afternoon.Everyday for 6 days.No doubt she would have done it for as long as we needed her. I adore her and my kids adore her. 

Thankyou Gabs we will never forget it x


  1. thanks for sharing Lucy, really hoping this winter is a healthier one for you all. Ur a trooper xx

  2. Thankyou Ladies,i never intended to blog about this but it felt good to get it out x x
