
Wife Mum Daughter Sister Grand-daughter Cousin Friend. This is my blog, about our family life.Just general day to day hilarious things that happen in our home.A way to stay in touch with family that don't live round the corner,so they can see whats going on with the kids,And a way i can kinda keep a memoir for our boys to see when there older..Hope you like it...Don't read it if you don't.

Thursday 29 September 2011

9 on a Thursday

1. Mr 3 has a new catch phrase.Each time I've called him today he's replied 'I'm coming mum,quick as a comet' not sure of its origins but i think its cute.

2.I managed to spill a bottle of chocolate milk all over my feet and kitchen floor tonight,hobbled to get a towel whilst spreading milk everywhere only to turn around and find the baby crawling through it in newly clean just put on pj's!!

3.Today i learned that i shouldn't just assume that Mr 3 knows that its not socially acceptable to shout "hello old lady"to women of a certain age in Morrisons.

4.Dog poo and squashed used old t-bags are surprisingly similar when crushed into the wheels of a toy monster truck.Its only when you smell it that you breath a sigh of relief.Or not.

5.For breakfast 4 slices of toast, 1 yogurt,1apple and 1 plum were consumed by my monster preschooler,normally its hard enough trying to get a bowl of cereal down him!

6.I've killed 2 spiders tonight which is wrong on so many levels,not on a 'i am a tree hugging,never kill anything, even a lettuce leaf' kinda level but firstly i hate spiders,and my OH is away so i have to deal with them on my own and cant look at them enough to put them under a glass and let them outside.Purleeze! But i just used my Lakeland Christmas Catalogue to kill one.which I'm not best pleased about.

7.Something happened this week to someone we know, which is too horrible for words.I'll hold my babies just that little bit longer now.

8.I promised my little sister that i would stay up till 10.30 to talk to her while she walks to work tonight.Mission impossible.

9.I don't think there is anything better in this world than sitting on a blanket,in your garden with your baby.Who is unbelievably cute and squidgy in just his nappy.

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