
Wife Mum Daughter Sister Grand-daughter Cousin Friend. This is my blog, about our family life.Just general day to day hilarious things that happen in our home.A way to stay in touch with family that don't live round the corner,so they can see whats going on with the kids,And a way i can kinda keep a memoir for our boys to see when there older..Hope you like it...Don't read it if you don't.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Nap (nightmare) time

So first Blog.Pressure.

I'm currently writing this while my 10 month old sleeps.

When i say sleep what i really mean is screaming in his cot at the top of his lungs.

I can tell its one of those cries that almost sounds empty.So loud but empty.In his language it means 'im fine,im exhausted, i really really need to nap but i would just like a cuddle' know what i mean?

I would give him a cuddle ,we have plenty of cuddles in this house,but i know it would only set us right back at the beginging of this often looong process.

So for now we wait..

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